Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov: 4 places exempted from participation fee

Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania20th edition, July 1st – 26th 2014
The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes and conducts Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses in the 12th century citadel of Braşov. The program is organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Letters of Transilvania University - Braşov, Mureşenilor Memorial House and Reduta Cultural Centre.

Places exempted from participation fee
The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 places totally exempted from participation fee. These places are intended for students in Romanian studies departments abroad, and for those who use the Romanian language in their scientific documentation, translation or they are editing works about Romanian culture and civilization.
Students who enroll to the summer courses and fulfill the criteria described before can apply by sending the following supplementary documents (written in English or Romanian):
- a letter of motivation and
- a letter of recommendation from a professor or a person who is familiar with the candidate’s professional activity.
The deadline for application for the places exempted from participation fee is April 30th, 2014.

Applicants should send all application documents by this deadline, including the completed application form, CV and copy of their passports.
Applications will be evaluated by a jury comprising 3 persons as independent evaluators.

Contact: Ana Borca, Romanian Language Programme Coordinator
(+4) 0317 100 672; Fax: (+4) 021 230 13 73

For further information:

application form/ formular de înscriere