Exhibition of Photographs by Sandu Mendrea: ”Romania in Images”. 28 November 2012 – 15 February 2013

Between November 28, 2012 and February 15, 2013, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv proudly presents the exhibition “Romania in Images”, dedicated to the National Day of Romania.
This exhibition is showing a selection of some of the most interesting black&white photos made in Romania by Sandu Mendrea. There are shown important cultural personalities, theatre shows, landscapes, significant folklore details etc.
Sandu Mendra was born in Romania, in 1930. In 1948 he started his master degree studies in theatre and film directing. Since 1954, he dedicated himself to the art of photography. He soon became one of the best known Romanian photographers, which allowed him to show his works in over 200 international photography exhibition. He received several important awards, and in 1965 he received the title “Excellency of The International Federation of Photographic Art (EFIAP)”. In 1985, he emigrated to Israel, where he was soon recognized as one of the most important artists.
More details about the artist: www.photomendrea.com
The exhibition is open to the public Monday to Thursday, 10:00 – 15:00 hrs., at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, 8 Shaul Hamelech Blvd., 6th Floor.