The Romanian Avant-garde between Bucharest, Paris and Tel Aviv. International conference, Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 12-14.12.2010

International conference entitled "The Romanian Avant-garde between Bucharest, Paris and Tel Aviv" Where: The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem When: December 12-14, 2010 In English, French.
Free entrance

Participants, conference program: here
A dictionary definition (tentative): Avant-garde is a term which refers to people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics.
The avant-garde represents a pushing of the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo (it often seems strange or slightly shocking), primarily in the cultural realm, but often has an abrasive social or political edge.

During the last ten years there has been an almost unprecedented raise in the scholarly interest for the Romanian avant-garde and its interferences with the European avant-garde movement, in cultural domains such as literature, plastic art, sculpture as well as architecture. Many of the studies recently comment on the importance of the avant-garde as a highly innovative cultural phenomenon, its role within and influence on the modernist artistic movements.

The conference, organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Centre for Research on Romanian Jewry – The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, intends to become a debate on the beginnings and evolution of the avant-garde and to focus on two specific points: - the presence of significant Romanian (or of Romanian origin) artists, authors in the avant-garde movement, both in Romania and in France (Tristan Tzara, Ilarie Voronca, Gherasim Luca, Benjamin Fondane, Claude Sernet, Victor Brauner, Marcel Iancu, Jules Perahim and others)
- the importance and relevance of the presence of a large number of Romanian Jewish artists in the Romanian avant-garde movement, as well as their choice to settle, in the last part of their life, in Israel and their efforts to impose their innovations on the Israeli culture (Marcel Iancu, Sesto Pals, Paul Păun and more)

Specialists from Romania, Israel and other countries are invited to the conference, which will take place for three days, during December 12-14, at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem: Romania (Ion Pop, Paul Cernat, Augustin Ioan, Ovidiu Morar, Camelia Crăciun), Israel (Moshe Idel, Michael Finkenthal, Marlene Braester, Simona Or-Munteanu, Milly Heyd, Cyril Aslanov, Leon Volovici, Vlad Solomon), France (Petre Răileanu), Sweden (Tom Sandqvist), USA (Cosana Nicolae-Eram), Switzerland (Radu Stern).

Special event: Discussion on the book "From Avant-garde to Arriere-garde"(„Din avangardă spre ariergardă"), by Ion Pop, Vinea publishing house, Bucharest 2010. Presents: Michael Finkenthal
Where: ICR Tel Aviv, conference room When: December 16, 2010, at 17:00
In Romanian. Free entrance

Programul conferinţei (.jpg) Invitaţie conferinţă comunicat de presă comunicat de presă comunicat de presă invitaţie lansare carte_Din avangarda spre ariergarda, de Ion Pop Programul conferinţei (.doc)