A Bow to the Bard: 'The Annual Salon of UK-based Romanian Artists' 2016

The second edition of 'The Annual Salon of UK-based Romanian Artists'', our annual exhibition of Romanian artists who have made Great Britain their home, opens in 1 Belgrave Square with a visual celebration of the life and work of William Shakespeare 400 years after his death.  The works comprise an eclectic mix of techniques and media, from painting and drawing to illustration and video, and are signed by Anna RavliucEmanuela MarcuCatinca MălaimareMarina DebattistaDaiana Stănescu, and Diana Buzoianu.

Anna Ravliuc, Romanian artist established in London, attended the School of Painting in Cernăuţi and later on the College of Fine Arts in Chișinău. Artist with an extensive experience, Anna has had several solo and group exhibitions in galleries both in Romania and abroad, including Artifact Gallery, New York, InterArt Gallery, New York, Plus Art Gallery Bucharest, and Royal College of Art, London. More about Anna Ravliuc on the artist's page.

Emanuela Marcu studied painting at the National University of Arts in Bucharest and completed an MA programme at Saint Martins College of Arts and Design in London. Her works have been exhibited at Galería V22 in London, Romanian Cultural Centre in London and Artis Gallery in Bucharest. More about Emanuela Marcu here.

Catinca Mălaimare graduated the Nicolae Tonitza School of Fine Arts in Bucharest and is currently enrolled in the second year at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham. Catinca's video 'Child's Play with Shadows' was part of Tate Modern's 'What is the Future of Art?' exhibition in 2016. More about Catinca Mălaimare here

Marina Debattista, Romanian artist established in Oxford, studied drawing under the guidance of professor Lloyd McNeil and graphics under the guidance of professor Sandy Wiemer at the Union College in New York. The artist has contributed with illustrations to the Romanian translation of 'The Hunting of the Shark' - a book project conducted by Imperial College London in 2012. Currently, she is working on a catalogue of illustrations for the Dada 100 anniversary.

Daiana Stănescu, Romanian artist established in London, studied Fine Arts at Camberwell College of Arts, London, where she graduated in 1997. Two years later, Daiana obtained her Master's degree at London's Royal College of Art. Currently, she teaches Fine Arts at Beal High School in London. Among the exhibitions, Daiana took part in solo shows like "Domo Baal Contemporary", London, "7 Bedford Row", London and exhibited in group exhibition like the "Water Sartorial Contemporary Art" project in London, 'Books, Butchers and Lips' in Pittsburgh, USA, and the Artist's Book Fair in London. More about Daiana Stănescu here.

Diana Buzoianu is a Romanian artist living in London. Her unique technique comprises different forms of expression like painting, photography and mixed media. Until now, Diana's works have been presented at various Romanian and British galleries. More about Diana Buzoianu here

When: Preview - Thursday 22 September, 7pm. Free entry. Booking on Eventbrite is necessary for attending the Preview.The exhibition is open until 21 October, Mon-Fri, 10 am - 5 pm.

Where: The Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X8PH