Photographing the Soul of Music: The Portraits of the Enescu Festival /03.03-8.06.2016/ London

Captured in the backdrops of Romania's biggest musical event, George Enescu International Festival in Bucharest, the photographs of Cornel Brad offer an revealing depiction of the excitement, expectation and relief that make the life of the great musicians in those supercharged "interludes" before and after tremendous stage triumphs. The expressive snapshots form an extraordinary gallery of portraits that includes some of the biggest stars of classical music like Vladimir Jurowski, Ioan Hollender, Sir Antonio Pappano, Sorin Coliban, Anita Harting, Fazil Say, Maxim Vengerov, Murray Perahia, Katia & Marielle Labeque, Evgheni Kissin, Elisabeth Kulman, Amanda Forsyth, Pinchas Zukerman and Angela Cheng.

The opening of the exhibition, entitled 'Interludes in Photographic Key', precedes Imago Mundi's concert within the 'Enescu Concerts' Series and is a part of an ample programme occasioned by the premiere of 'Oedipe' by George Enescu at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden in May 2016.

Cornel Brad worked as a bookseller, editor and project manager for environmental protection, and in recent years dedicated his work to photography. His photographs have been published in Truth, Aspen Idea, Igloo, Cultural Observer, La Terrasse and AGRIPLUS and part of them can be found in private collections in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Russia and the US.

Special thanks to Eastlines, for providing the transport of the exhibitition. 

When: Opening on 3 March 2016, 7:00 pm and running until 8 June 2016, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. Free entry.

Where: Romanian Cultural Institute London, 1 Belgrave Square, SW1X8PH