Gruber’s Journey by Radu Gabrea @ Romanian Cinematheque

The Romanian Cinematheque reopens in 2013 with the screening of Gruber's Journey by director Radu Gabrea, to mark the International Holocaust Memorial Day.

The film is inspired by "Kaputt", the novel in which writer and war journalist Curzio Malaparte tells the real story of his visit in Iaşi, Romania.

"Directed by the veteran Radu Gabrea, this film is an absorbing tragi-comedy which focuses on the attempts of the Italian author Curzio Malaparte to search for Josef Gruber, a Jewish doctor, whom he hopes will help cure his severe allergy. The red tape that he has to wade through to find the doctor makes Dickens' Circumlocution Office seem straightforward."Ronald Bergan, The Guardian

The script imagines a series of situations showcasing the chaos, bureaucracy and absurdity characterizing those times. The story revolves around the despair of a foreigner who is unable to understand and avoid the obstacles built by a hidden, but nevertheless real sabotage by the authorities. Throughout the film, Malaparte tries to reach Dr. Gruber, and is continuously hindered by the local authorities through the most diverse methods - they will try anything from kind flattery to offensive aggression.