Adela by Mircea Veroiu @ Romanian Cinematheque

The March film at the Romanian Cinematheque is the poetic and visually evocative period drama Adela, by Mircea Veroiu, which won the Grand Prix at the 1985 San Remo Film Festival. Set in 1899, it is a story about one man's acceptance of middle age in the face of a longing for a younger companion. Dr. Codrescu (George Motoi) arrives in a town he used to know well and makes the acquaintance of Adela (Marina Procopie), a winsome young divorcee who had been a child the last time he saw her.

Romania | 1985 | 81min | directed by: Mircea Veroiu | with: George Motoi, Marina Procopie, Valeria Seciu, Adrian Pintea.  In Romanian with English subtitles.

The Romanian Cinematheque is a project in partnership with the National Centre for Cinematography in Romania (CNC).

When: Thursday 21 March 2013, 7pmWhere: Romanian Cultural Institute LondonAdmission is free but seats are limited. Early booking is well recommended. Please reserve your seats at T: 020 7752 0134, E: