The Art of Power - The Power of Art

The Art of Power - The Power of Art

The Art Of Power - The Power Of Art

Artists, Propaganda And Politics

From Late Antiquity To The Contemporary Age

International Conference

Perugia, October 30-31, 2019


Il 30 e 31 ottobre 2019, l'Istituto Culturale Romeno attraverso l'Accademia di Romania in Roma sostiene il Dipartimento di Lettere dell'Università di Perugia e la Facoltà di Storia dell'Università di Bucarest, nell'organizzazione della Convegno "The Art of Power - The Power of Art. Artists, Propaganda And Politics From Late Antiquity To The Contemporary Age"

L'obiettivo del Convegno è quello di individuare alcuni elementi ricorrenti del rapporto tra arte e potere politico in chiave comparativa, interdisciplinare e di lungo periodo.

In particolare, il Convegno si propone di individuare le forme organizzative attraverso le quali si è articolato il rapporto tra artisti, potere e ideologia. A partire dalla considerazione del ruolo decisivo assunto dalla propaganda, intesa nel significato più ampio del termine, ai fini della stabilizzazione del potere e della diffusione delle ideologie dominanti, verranno esaminate le relazioni emergenti tra la tendenza ad organizzare l'attività di produzione dell'arte, per finalità egemoniche e di controllo, e le forme espressive dell'arte stessa.


Wednesday October 30, 15.00

Welcome: Dean of the University of Perugia, Director of the Department of Humanities

Chair: Prof. Mario Tosti, Director of the Department of Humanities

Manuela Dobre (University of Bucharest) Christian Symbols and Pagan Motifs in Byzantine Iconography (IVth-VIIth Centuries)

Mirko Santanicchia (University of Perugia) The Guilds in Italy: Power, Government Experience and Public Image through their Artistic Commissions (XIII-XV Centuries)

Florentina Nițu (University of Bucharest) Luxury and the Image of Power in Brancovan Art

Coffee break

Chiara Coletti (University of Perugia) The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi in the First Half of the XIX Century. Friar Luigi Ferri

of Bologna and the Renewal of the Porziuncola Sanctuary

Ioan Carol Opriş(University of Bucharest) Grand Architectural Projects for Late XIXth Century Public Places in Bucharest. A Full-ScaleCopy of Trajan’s Column and the Anastylosis of Tropaeum Traiani from Adamklissi

Alessandra Migliorati (University of Perugia) Historical Memory and Italian Identity Construction: the Role of Freemasonry in the Art System between XIX and XX Centuries

Thursday October 31, 9.30

Chair: Rudolf Dinu, Professor of the University of Bucharest, Director of the Romanian Academy in Rome

Stefania Petrillo (University of Perugia) The Promotion of Contemporary Italian Art in Northeastern Europe between 1934 and 1938

Luca La Rovere (University of Perugia) Artists at the Service of Fascist Propaganda: the 1937 International Exposition in Paris

Alin Matei (University of Bucharest) Celebrating Conquest: The 1942 Transnistria Exhibition in Bucharest

Coffee break

Alexandra Ţichindelean (University of Bucharest) How Politics Influenced Culture in Romania during the Period 1947-1965

Emanuela Costantini(University of Perugia) Moulding Romanian Society. Nicolae Ceauşescu and the Transformation of Bucharest

Matei Gheboianu (University of Bucharest) The Civic Center as a Symbol of Power. A Case Study in Romanian Communism

Bogdan Antoniu (University of Bucharest) "If This is Art..." or "Weapons of Peace"? Decision-Making in American Cold War Cultural Diplomacy: Advancing American Art (1946) to The Family of Man (1955-1962) Exhibitions

Scientific committee: Luca La Rovere, Emanuela Costantini, Ioan Opriş