Love Life of a Gentle Coward - Ljubavni život domobrana

Guest: Pavo Marinković
Directed by: Pavo Marinković, cinematography: Vedran Šamanović, Croatia, 2009, 86 min., comedy-drama / Czech and English subtitles
Cast: Nenad Cvetko, Dijana Vidušin, Siniša Popović, Jan Budař, Filip Šovagović

You can only be a good writer if you enjoy quality sex. That is the verdict of the editor who is unhappy with Sasha's latest work which has supposed to have been the author's escape from his demoralizing job as a food critic. It's true that Sasha's intimate life has known better times. His life is transformed by a visit to a newly opened fitness centre where he falls in love with its masseuse, Ines. When, after dinner together, he writes a sharply critical review of the snobish restaurant, he sets in motion more than just the wealthy owner's revenge. This romantic comedy set in contemporary Zagreb is a „boy meets girl" which arfully manages to avoid all the traditional clichés of the genre.

Festivals / Awards:
Pula FF 2009 – Best Main Actress, Best Editing, Best Production Design
Worldfest Houston 2010 – Special Jury Award