Grants for cultural journalists offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute in 2013

Call for application: Grants for cultural journalists offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute in 2013

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 10 grants of 1,500 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their one-month stay in Romania. In order to apply for the grants offered by the RCI, please send the following documents (according to each candidate’s profession/field of work) by May 10th, 2013 - the new deadline, to the address available below:

- individual application form (that you will find at the web address indicated below);
- resume;
- a copy of the passport or the identity card;
- project’s description, written in English, that will contain around 3 p. (TNR, 12 p, single-spaced);
- 2/3 articles (translated into English or Romanian);
- DVDs containing short-movies, relevant footage in what concerns prior interest in areas related to our country – if any, documentaries (the materials should contain the copyright information);
- Audio CDs containing relevant radio programs, if the candidate considers these elements essential in the evaluation of their experience in the field;
- a number of 20 photographs or a photo album certifying the activity of the candidate;
- a reference letter from the management of the publication/radio/TV station/Association or from a professor/collaborator in the case of freelancers that would point out the merits of the candidate.
- a letter of intent (in English)

Extended application deadline (for the grants): May 10th, 2013

The fields for which the evaluation and selection is performed: cultural journalism (documentary work/photo reports/photography/short documentary movies/radio shows, online journalism platforms, blogging activity related to cultural activities etc.)

Dana Berdilă
Coordinator of the Grants Programme
Romanian Cultural Institute
tel. +40317100621
38 Aleea Alexandru,
Sector 1, Bucharest