Quotes On Caragiale

"The Romanians – at least the townspeople – have a southern nature. Southern liveliness is an energetic reactive that generates buffoonery in truly emphatic forms. Stupidity and vanity, which are latent in a phlegmatic and quiet northern human mass of people, erupt brightly and colorfully in the fire of southern exuberance."Paul Zarifopol "Of all our writers, none tempts biographers more than Caragiale. Due to the originality of his temperament, and the diversity of his life, the man suggests as much, if not more, than the work itself. Like Oscar Wilde, the Romanian writer could have said he had put his genius in his life and only his talent in his work."Şerban Cioculescu1940 "The study of the various aesthetic implications of Caragiale's sketches can be extended indefinitely; however, we will never be certain of having grasped all the intentions of the text, and enjoyed all its nuances. By refreshing old pleasures, each reading adds new, as yet untried ones. His work is inexhaustible."Ştefan Cazimir1976

by Plural magazine