Postmodern Fugue XIV

my mouth is so full of flesh that I hadto cut the root of my tongue and thrust it into the church,in the dark, by the altar.the church floor was flooded by red blood, from the mouth,from the tongue, I slip on blood, not on planks.I want to enter the kingdom of heavenso that there be no more sky.all I want, all I ever wanted, was to enter the kingdom of heaven.among angels with their strength sapped, among women with stone wombs,among children with chubby, perverse sexes,among tall lesbians, thieves praying on bruised knees,among losers, among the blind, the lame and the helpless,impotents erecting their castles from blood,among chained negroes, among crazy suicidal old men.I never wanted to make love except with myself on an iron cross raised by myself.

by Angela Marinescu (b. 1941)