
…The niggler is a staunch patriot, an exclusive nationalist, a Romanian to the marrow! Everyone must know it! Whether his party is in office or, when unfortunately this is not possible, in opposition, the niggler congratulates Rrromania in the first case, bewails it in the second, but in both cases loves her madly. Therefore, he hates anything non-Romanian and non-national like poison.He respects agriculture, but dreams of a great national industry that will relieve us from the tribute we pay to foreigners; what terrifies him is an economic conquest of Romania by the infamous foreigners abetted by the step-children of his dear little country!…The niggler may or may not have a profession, may be poor or rich, stupid or smart, dull or witty, young, old, of one gender or the other or both – but was, is, and will be a true Rrromanian… God save you if you should attack his Rrromania however roundabout the way in which you do so: the Romanian niggler is ready to crush you for this.

by I. L. Caragiale (1852-1912)