Constantin Karadja - svensk-rumänen som räddade över 50 000 judar undan Förintelsen

Tisdag 13 november klockan 18.30.

Plats meddelas vid obligatorisk föranmälan till senast 9 november. 

OBS! På engelska.

Constantin I. Karadja (1889-1950) was a diplomat, jurist, historian, bibliographer and researcher, honorary member of the Romanian Academy. Descending from an aristocratic family, son of prince Jean Karadja Pasha (1835–1894), diplomat of the Ottoman Empire and of his wife Mary-Louise Smith of Sweden, aka Princess Mary Karadja (1868–1943), daughter of the Swedish senator and manufacturer L.O. Smith, Constantin I. Karadja is considered a Romanian-Swedish hero of the same status as Raoul Wallenberg and Oskar Schindler that saved over 51,000 persons from deportation and extermination during the Second World War. In 2005, Constantin Karadja received from the Yad Vashem institute in Jerusalem posthumously the title “Righteous Among the Nations”.

Joining the diplomatic service in 1920, he served Romania in missions as consul in Budapest (1921–1922), consul general in Stockholm (1928–1930) and Berlin (1932–1941) as well as director of the consular department between 1941 and 1944. The conference in Stockholm is related to the publication of many historical documents and of the volumeRomanian Diplomats in the Service of Life. Constantin I. Karadja and the rescuing of Romanian Jews in Europe during the Third Reich(1932-1944), edited by Stelian Obiziuc (historian, diplomat, ex director of the Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister’s Archives) with Ottmar Trașcă (historian, scientific researcher at the Institute of History „George Barițiu” Cluj Napoca, Romanian Academy). The volume was published in 2017 in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) at Argonaut Publishing House and launched in the same year at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters in Bucharest when Romania held the presidency of International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The volume presents the documents and the conclusions from archival research that testify the contribution of Constantin I. Karadja to the rescuing of Jews during the Holocaust. The conference in Stockholm would also be a good opportunity to make its content available to the Swedish audience.


  1. Dr. Stelian Obiziuc, historian, diplomat, former director of the Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister’s Archives, editor with Ottamar Trașcă of the bookRomanian Diplomats in the Service of Life. Constantin I. Karadja and the rescuing of Romanian Jews in Europe during the Third Reich (1932-1944), Editura Argonaut Publishing Book, Cluj-Napoca, 2017;
  2. Dr. Ottmar Trașcă, historian, scientific researcher at the Institute of History „George Barițiu” Cluj Napoca, Romanian Academy
  3. Dr. Ileana Stănculescu, researcher, author of scientific articles about Constantin Karadja
  4. Svante Weyler, author, journalist, publisher, president of the Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism (SKMA)
  5. Joakim Langer, journalist, author of the book Constantin Karadja: bara ett liv till (with Pelle Berglund), Sivart Förlag, 2009.

Language: English

Organizers: Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm, Embassy of Romania in the Kingdom of Sweden, Judiska församlingen i Stockholm (Jewish Community of Sweden)


Opening remarks: H.E. Ambassador Iulian Buga, Bogdan Popescu, director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm, Ingrid Lomfors, super intendent, Forum for living history.

Short presentations: 

Stelian Obiziuc

Ottmar Trașcă

Ileana Stănculescu

Debates with panelists: Stelian Obiziuc, Ottmar Trașcă, Joakim Langer, moderator Svante Weyler)

Final questions and remarks