B. Fundoianu

(14.11.1898 – 2.10.1944)He was among the first promoters of pure poetry. In fact traditionalism represents a form of modernism. Traditionalists are most of them former symbolists and therefore Baudelairians, keeping their habit of embracing the universe."Poetry, says Fundoianu. How much hope I invested in you, how much blind certainty, how much messianism! I truly thought you could liberate and answer where metaphysics and moral have long pulled down their shutters.I considered you the only valid method of gaining knowledge, the only reason the being had for persevering in being."Fundoianu's traditionalism is an olfactory and tactile sort of pantheism, it is getting drunk on the vital exhalations. He is not, therefore, merely descriptive but voluptuous about all manifestations of nature. His masterpiece is To Taliarh, an exuberant Horatian ode. Fundoianu is spiritually related to Ion Pillat and Ilarie Voronca.1941 

by George Călinescu (1899-1965)