Extended deadline for the enrollment in the Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses in Brașov

The new enrollment deadline for Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses – Summer School in Brașov is June 10th, 2024.

For registration, applicants will send the following scanned documents to the email address roxana.dinca@icr.ro:

· the registration form downloaded from the ICR website, completed and signed by the applicant (link download application form);

· curriculum vitae;

· a photocopy of the passport/identity card;

· a photocopy of the payment document confirming the payment of the participation fee.

New Announcement: Graduates of the Romanian language courses for foreigners, organized both in Bucharest and at ICR branches abroad, are eligible for a 15% discount on the participation fee of 700 euros.

Program structure

A. Intensive Romanian language courses

The Romanian language courses are taught according to a syllabus adapted to the learners' requirements and needs. To develop fluency in expression and consolidate previously learned grammatical structures, grammar exercises and vocabulary alternate with individual and group communication activities. The course material includes both everyday life topics and literary texts, newspaper articles, songs, etc. Additionally, audio and video teaching materials are used. For teaching Romanian language classes, professors with specialized studies are selected based on competence and professional experience, as well as the ability to communicate in multicultural contexts. Participants are placed in study groups based on a placement test that evaluates their level of linguistic competence according to the Common European Framework of Reference (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). The beginner level aims to acquire skills in understanding simple information and communication in everyday situations. At the intermediate level, skills in understanding more complex texts and coherent expression on various topics are developed. Advanced level participants refine their skills in understanding subtleties and formulating opinions and thoughts, using nuanced expression.

Certificate of Attendance

At the end of the courses, participants sit an exam (consisting of a written and an oral component), which enables them to be granted a language proficiency certificate issued by the Faculty of Letters of Transylvania University in Brașov and a Romanian language proficiency assessment certificate issued by the Romanian Cultural Institute.

Transylvania University in Brașov awards 3 (three) transferable credits in the ECTS system.

B. Conferences on Romanian culture and civilization

The Romanian Cultural Institute invites university professors, researchers, and public figures from Bucharest and Brașov to deliver lectures on history, linguistics, literature, and cinematography. The lectures are defended both in Romanian and in English.

C. Creative workshops

1. Journalism and advertising

2. Folk dances

3. Acting

D. Film screenings

Once a week, participants are invited to screenings of well-known Romanian films, awarded at renowned festivals.

E. Cultural sightseeing road trips

At the end of the week, cultural sightseeing road trips are organized in the old citadel of Brașov, in Romanian villages from Transylvania, as well as on Transfăgărășan, one of the most spectacular roads in Romania, known as the "road through the clouds," which connects the historical region of Muntenia to Transylvania. The site visits are enriched by the insightful commentary of young historians, sociologists, and art historians who specialize in researching the region, its history, traditions, and the diverse socio-cultural and ethnographic environment present in this part of Romania.

F. International evening

As part of the program, an international evening is organized where each participant presents their country, showcasing its unique characteristics: customs, traditional foods, music, dance, etc.


Participants can find accommodation at hotels/guesthouses in the area of Brașov or at one of the dormitories of Transylvania University of Brașov (those who wish to book accommodation at one of the dormitories of Transylvania University are kindly requested to indicate this at the time of submitting their registration documents).

Accommodation and meal options:


1. Appolonia (https://hotelapollonia.ro/)

2. Casa Wagner Brașov (https://brasov.casa-wagner.com/en/)

3. La maisonnette (https://www.lamaisonnette.ro/)

4.Student Residence Hall, Transylvania University of Brașov - Dormitories and accommodation (unitbv.ro)


1. Gustări (https://ialoc.ro/restaurante-brasov/gustari-rezervari-2193)

2. La Ceaun (https://laceaun.com/)

3. Sergiana (https://www.sergianagrup.ro/restaurant-sergiana-din-centrul-vechi)

4. Ograda (https://devograda.delipal.ro/)

5.Campus food services, Transylvania University of Brașov - Canteen-restaurant (unitbv.ro)


The Romanian language courses and the culture and civilization conferences take place at the Faculty of Letters of Transylvania University in Brașov.

The creative workshops are held at the "Casa Mureșenilor" Museum (www.muzeulmuresenilor.ro), at the Faculty of Letters - Transylvania University of Brașov (unitbv.ro), and at the Reduta Cultural Center (Centrul Cultural Reduta).

 Participation fee

Participation fee: 700 euros

The participation fee covers the intensive Romanian language courses, as well as all the cultural activities included in the program.

A 15% discount is granted for alumni students (former participants).

The participation fee does not cover international and domestic transportation, entry visa, and medical assistance. The Romanian Cultural Institute recommends that participants have valid medical insurance in Romania.

Payment method:

Participants can pay the participation fee via bank transfer, in Romanian lei or foreign currency, to the account of the Romanian Cultural Institute opened at Banca Comercială Română S.A., located on Calea Victoriei nr. 155, Sector 1 - Bucharest, Romania, IBAN: RO47 RNCB 0072 0497 1364 0001, SWIFT Code: RNCB RO BU.

The participation fee must be paid in full by the registration deadline. The participant's name and "Brașov" must be mentioned in all bank transfer documents. Any bank charges incurred for the transfer of the participation fee will be borne by the participant.


For registration, applicants will send the following scanned documents to the email address roxana.dinca@icr.ro:

· the registration form downloaded from the ICR website, completed and signed by the applicant;

· curriculum vitae;

· a photocopy of the passport/identity card;

· a photocopy of the payment document confirming the payment of the participation fee.

General conditions for participants

· the minimum participation age is 18 years old;

· participants have access to the detailed daily schedule, with any changes being announced in advance by the organizers;

· each participant is responsible for personally familiarizing themselves with the structure, participation conditions, and any program changes;

· in the event that a participant decides to withdraw from the courses for justified reasons, they are obliged to inform the organizers of this decision in writing;

· the participation fee is only refunded in exceptional cases;

· organizers are receptive to suggestions from participants. Any uncertainties or questions will be addressed only with the support of the organizers.

The obligations of the participants

· to attend the intensive Romanian language courses;

· to participate in at least 75% of the Romanian culture and civilization conferences included in the summer school program;

· to enroll and actively participate in two creative workshops and all thecultural sightseeing road trips;

· to commit to respecting the discipline rules imposed by the organizers, especially those related to the study program.

Final observations

The Romanian Cultural Institute reserves the right to make changes to the course schedule in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Program coordinator

Roxana Magdalena Preda

E-mail: roxana.dinca@icr.ro

Tel.: (004) 031 71 00 672

Formular de inscriere/ application form