Brâncuși Unpacked. His Grand Exhibitions - An illustrated talk on the life and masterpieces of Constantin Brâncuși

Join us to celebrate the patriarch of modern sculpture, Constantin Brâncuși! Hailed as one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th Century and a pioneer of modernism, Brâncuși’s work drew inspiration from Romanian folk art through Byzantine traditions as well as non-European cultures.

The biggest Brancusi exhibition over the last 50 years organised in Romania has just concluded in celebration of Timisoara Cultural Capital of Europe 2023. Curated by Doina Lemny, the exhibition brought together masterpieces from Romania, the United Kingdom, Italy and France as well as private collections.

We are thrilled to have Doina Lemny with us to unpack the grand Brâncuși Exhibition from Timișoara, alongside other major exhibitions of Constantin Brâncuși over the years. Dr Lemny will be joined by Matthew Gale, curator and master minder of the 2004 Brâncuși exhibition at Tate Modern Museum in London, David Grub, who will present his perspective as a private art collector and talk about Brâncuși’s photographs and Ovidiu Șandor of Art Encounters who will share insights on the impact of the sculptor's exhibition in Timișoara, called “Brâncuși: Romanian Sources and Universal Perspectives”.

When: 21 February, 7 PM

Where: Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PH, UK

Photo by Constantin Duma