The Romanian feature film project "Never let it go”, directed by Paul Negoescu, at The Jerusalem International Film Lab. December 5-12, 2014

The Jerusalem International Film Lab, organized by the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School, will take place between December 2014 – July 2015 at the Jerusalem Cinematheque and the “Mishkenot Sha’ananim” Center. The Romanian feature film project has been selected from over 100 proposals and will be participating in the program together with other 11 projects from India, Israel, Portugal, Turkey, Italy and Kurdistan. With the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, Romania will be represented for the first time at the Jerusalem International Film Lab, through the presence of director Paul Negoescu and executive producer Radu Stancu-Mihalcea with the feature film project „Never let it go”. The Romanian filmmakers will work on the script under the guidance of Prof. Jacques Akchoti, well-known director and scriptwriter who has collaborated with important film figures such as Robert Bresson, J.J. Beineix and Lars von Trier.
The Jerusalem International Film Lab was launched in December 2011 by The Sam Spiegel Film & Television School, Jerusalem to foster the development and production of full-length feature films by some of the world’s most promising talents.
The Jerusalem International Film Lab became the third Film Lab of its kind in the world, along with the Sundance Institute (USA) and the Torino Film Lab (Italy).
Each year, the program brings to Jerusalem 12 talented young director-writers who are at the advanced stages of writing their first or second full length feature film. All participants do their writing over a seven-month period, and are invited for two periods of writing and discussion in Jerusalem under the mentorship of three of the world’s top script editors. The Lab also works to promote the production feasibility of the projects.
The official website of the program: