"When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism", dir. Corneliu Porumboiu, and "The Japanese Dog", dir. Tudor Cristian Jurgiu, to be screened at the 30th Haifa International Film Festival. 9-18.10.2014

The 30th Haifa International Film Festival will take place between 9-18.10.2014. This year, two Romanian films are included in the screening program: When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism (Romania-France, 2013), directed by Corneliu Porumboiu, within “Filmmakers of Tomorrow – FEDEORA Competition”, and The Japanese Dog (Romania, 2013), directed by Tudor Cristian Jurgiu.The screenings are possible with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv.

When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism Romanian with Hebrew subtitles.
13.10.2014, at 11:30, Haifa Cinematheque
16.10.2014, at 14:00, Haifa Cinematheque
Tickets: 04-8338888 or online http://www.haifaff.co.il/Movie%20Info.php?id=7858
Synopsis: During an evening drive, a director asks his actress whether she’s comfortable doing a nude scene. ‘As long as it’s justified’, she says. ‘Of course’, he replies. So begins Corneliu Porumboiu’s dazzling, deliciously witty new film. Set entirely in hotel rooms, lobbies, restaurants – places that lie on the periphery of a movie set, When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism follows Paul, a director of some renown, who is suffering from an imaginary medical condition and a real crisis of faith. He has two weeks left to shoot his latest opus; but is for some unknown reason plagued with doubt. Perhaps it has to do with his actress, with whom he’s having an affair, or the constraints of Chinese cuisine, or Michelangelo Antonioni, or something in between. (Source: Indiwire.com)

The Japanese DogRomanian with Hebrew subtitles.
13.10.2014, at 11:15, Rapapport Hall
17.10.2014, at 18:00, Tikotin Museum

Tickets: 04-8338888 or online http://www.haifaff.co.il/Movie%20Info.php?id=7914
Synopsis: Elderly Costache Moldu has lost his wife and all his goods in a flood. The unexpected return of his son, Ticu, from Japan forces them to relearn how to communicate, to become a family again. Costache becomes a real grandfather to his 7 years old grandson, while Ticu straightens mistakes from the past. A delicate film about family reconciliation.
Website: http://www.cainelejaponez.ro/en/