Workshop in Prague: Young people in Europe – United through talent and creativity

From 15th to 18th October 2015, the Union of Authors and Filmmakers in Romania (Uniunea Autorilor și Realizatorilor de Film din România (U.A.R.F.)), supported by the Romanian National Centre for Cinematography (Centrului Național al Cinematografiei), will organize a workshop titled Young people in Europe – United through talent and creativity (Tineri în Europa – Uniune prin talent și creativitate) which will take place in the Conference Hall of the Park Hotel (Veletržní 20, 170 00 Prague 7).

Professor Ioan Cărmăzan, President of the Film Makers Union in Romania – film direction;
Associate lecturer Sebastian Chelu, Hyperion University in Bucharest – film editing;
Assistant professor Otilia Sîrbu, Hyperion University in Bucharest – dramaturgy and aesthetics.

The workshop will consist of: a presentation of 10 photos, making of video material about Prague and creation of a film character (biography based on an imaginary or real person). Also, student short films – awarded or nominated at national or international film festivals – will be projected and analysed.

The event starts on Thursday, October 15, 2015, at 4 p.m., with the official opening of the workshop, during which a welcoming speech will be delivered, the team of lecturers will be presented and the topics will be detailed. At 8 p.m., Associate lecturer Sebastian Chelu will lead a seminar on film editing followed by discussions on the established topics.

On Friday, October 16, 2015, the programme of the workshop will start at 10 a.m. with a seminar on dramaturgy named “Intended and Intentional in Dramaturgy” (Între intenție și intenționalitate dramaturgică), led by Assistant professor Otilia Sîrbu. At 7 p.m., Professor Ioan Cărmăzan will hold a seminar on film direction, and at 8 p.m. Associate lecturer Sebastian Chelu will organise a seminar on film editing. The seminars will be followed by a projection of a student short film and debates.

During the last day, on October 17, 2015, the selected video about Prague will be edited to obtain the final form. Starting from 8 p.m., 10 photographs will be presented and commented on, the final version of the video and the selected character will be presented. Finally, the certificates will be distributed to the participants at 9 p.m..

Mr. Bogdan Neagu, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Romanian Embassy in the Czech Republic, Mr. Ionuț-Petre Munteanu, Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague and local press representatives have been invited to participate in this event.
If interested in attending this workshop, please, contact Ms. Tamas – U.A.R.F. workshop organizer – on the email address: