One World International Film Festival 2016

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague, through its Director, Mr. Ionuț-Petre Munteanu, explained the Romanian reality - as it was presented by the film Chuck Norris vs. Communism. 

The projection of the film that took place on March 13th, 2016,  at 7:30 p.m., in Kino Béla - The Hungarian Cultural Institute (Rytířská 25 - 27, Praga 1), within the framework of the One World International Film Festival 2016, was followed by a debate, having Ms. Tereza Šimíková, journalist and documentary film producer, as moderator. The event was part of a series of debates - programmed during the festival, after the film projections - for which directors, foreign guests or Czech experts have been invited.

The projections of the film Chuck Norris vs. Communism were programmed as follows:

09. 03. | 17:00    Svetozor LH        Premiere in the Czech Republic         Debate with guests

11. 03. | 22:00    Lucerna SH                                        

13. 03. | 19:30    Béla       Debate with guests   (Mr. Ionuț-Petre Munteanu)

The One World International Film Festival 2016 is held between March 7-16, 2016, in Prague, then in other 33 cities in the Czech Republic, and also in Brussels.