Bursele pentru Traducători - sesiunea 2019
(A). Pentru Traducători Profesionişti Programul îşi propune o colaborare cât mai strânsă cu traducătorii profesionişti, specializaţi în traducerea autorilor români[1] în limbi străine. Candidaţilor selecţionaţi li se oferă posibilitatea de a traduce
ACTUALIZARE 2017: Burse pentru traducători profesioniști // Rezidențe pentru traducători în formare
(actualizare 23. 08. 2017) REZULTATE 2017În urma şedinţei de evaluare şi selecţie a dosarelor depuse de candidaţii înscrişi la concursul de burse Rezidenţe pentru traducători în formare, şedinţă desfăşurată pe data de 17. 08. 2017, au fost declaraţi câştigători
Translators Scholarships Programme
1. Grants for professional translatorsThe grantees will have the opportunity of spending a period of one month and/or two months in Romania, a chance for them to have a direct contact with the Romanian literary environment as well as the works and authors they are
Translators Scholarships Programme
1. Grants for professional translators The grantees will have the opportunity of spending a period of one month in Romania, a chance for them to have a direct contact with the Romanian literary environment as well as the works and authors they are envisaging in their
NexT la ICR: „Short Matters!“ Scurtmetraje nominalizate la Premiile Academiei Europene de Film
11 scurtmetraje europene, nominalizate la marile festivaluri și la Premiile Academiei Europene de Film (EFA) în 2015, vor fi proiectate la Institutul Cultural Român (Aleea Alexandru 38) vineri, 8 aprilie 2016, de la ora 18. 00, în cadrul Festivalului Internaţional
România la Târgul Internațional de Carte de la Londra - London Book Fair 2011
România va fi prezentă la cea de a 40-a ediție a Târgului Internațional de Carte de la Londra (LBF), desfășurată în perioada 11-13 aprilie 2011, cu un stand național organizat, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, de Institutul Cultural Român prin Centrul Național
Language As An Element Of The Romanian Soul
Among the elements making up the soulful repository of the Romanian people there is none to include more and to bespeak truer than its very language. In connection with this Romanian idiom – which, with due additions, proved apt to voice any idea, no matter how lofty,
The Mioritza Space
excerpts We have wondered many times if it is possible to find or to hypothetically build a matrix-space, or an unconscious spatial horizon, as an underlying spiritual layer for the Romanian folk culture anonymous creations. The subject is worth the risk of any and all
New Literary Sincerity
It was not easy for Romanian literature to evolve up to Ioana Bradea's novel, to its so provokingly violent title (itself a sophisticated, impudent blend of meanings and connotations as long as the dictionary designates just one object: a pipe)! And to think that once
National Minorities Reflected In The Romanian Fundamental Laws
Romania is a national state, at least that is what every Romanian constitution agrees upon, and more than 20 national minorities, which are represented in the Romanian parliament, live on the territory of this state. It is not at all easy to live among such ethnic diversity,
The Greeks
We do not hate the Greeks; quite to the contrary, we love them and we share the same heritage: a nationality to build; for we have the same interests, the same pains, the same hopes; and when we say 'we love them' we can bring proofs to support this statement:
The Czechs And The Slovaks
A Slavic population whose state construction is very recent, the Czechs and Slovaks represent a minority in Romania; they have brought respect for labor and education in our country, as well as a vigorous religious faith. Short history The Slovaks settled on the current