The studio

3 Mar 2020

Expoziția „Transylvania Retouched. A matter of landscape and representation”, vernisată la Budapesta

Expoziția colectivă „Transylvania Retouched. A matter of landscape and representation ” se deschide marți, 3 martie 2020, la ora 19. 00, la The Studio of Young Artists’ Association (SYAA), Rottenbiller utca 35, Budapesta. Evenimentul, organizat în parteneriat cu

8 Sep 2018 - 10 Sep 2018

Expoziția „Reminescențe“ a pictorului Felix Aftene la Bled

În perioada 8-30 septembrie 2018, în galeria Slop din turnul castelului Bled (bled. castle. si) vor fi expuse picturile artistului plastic Felix Aftene, preşedintele Uniunii Artiştilor Plastici din România - filiala Iaşi. Vernisajul expoziției „Reminescențe“va

22 Jun 2017

Elogii în presa britanică pentru Geta Brătescu

La finele săptămânii trecute s-a închis, la prestigiosul Camden Arts Centre din Londra, retrospectiva „Geta Brătescu. The Studio: A Tireless, Ongoing Space”, cea mai amplă prezentare a operei sale în Marea Britanie și una dintre cele mai mari expoziții dedicate

6 Apr 2017 - 18 Jun 2017

Geta Brătescu, celebrată într-unul dintre marile spații expoziționale londoneze

În prestigiosul și influentul Camden Arts Centre din capitala britanică s-a deschis pe 6 aprilie, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român din Londra, o retrospectivă consacrată Getei Brătescu, considerată deja, în România dar și în străinătate, drept una dintre

3 Nov 2015 - 6 Nov 2015

Prințul Harry, la ICR Londra

După ce, în 2014, Alteța Sa Regală Prințul de Wales a fost oaspetele de onoare al Institutului Cultural Român din Londra cu ocazia „Festivalului Transilvania”, un al doilea membru al familiei regale britanice a trecut marţi seară pragul reprezentanței românești

5 Jul 2011 - 30 Jul 2011

Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania, 17th edition, July 5th – 30th 2011 / Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, România, 5-30 iulie 2011

EN/RO EN Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania 17th edition, July 5th – 30th 2011 RESULTS As a result of the evaluation of the 5 applications from UK citizens, the two grants offered by the British Council were awarded to: 1. Fisher

Mitica Is Dead

Revolution Square Last time when Bucharest was flooded, when in some districts the water rose as high as half of the Dacia car parked on the sidewalk, none of the Romanian reporters or newscasters failed to draw a comparison between our capital and a “European” one.

Urban Memory: Museums Of The Romanian Capital

1st row: National History Museum, Old Court Museum, Archeology Museum (detail), National Museum of Art2nd row: Collections Museum, Zambaccian Museum, Theodor Aman Museum, Gh. Tattarescu Museum 3rd row: Storck Museum, Romanian Peasant Museum, Astronomical Observatory (detail),

The TV Star

The star was to appear in a special live program, at 9 p. m. sharp. For a week now, every evening, the announcer of the popular channel 7 informed the viewers that on Tuesday night they will see Him singing, dancing, reciting, in a word, performing; Him, the adored, beloved,

The Rush

Xmx is capable of voicing any text (well, not voicing, interpreting it), whether it is Shakespeare's or Chekhov's. There is just one single word he cannot say: no. He is solicited by a TV station for two lines consisting of three words; he would like to tell the

The Tenderness And Betrayal Of Magdalene

I couldn't say I was properly introduced to Magdalene, the wording would be equally pretentious and inexact; as a matter of fact, she actually rushed into my studio… She was tired, exhausted, shabby, as if she had come out of the hundred year war. I had worked all

Brâncuşi And The World Of Music

For the sparkling sculptor of modern art, music represented a secret passion. It was only after the master's death that his close friends, V. G. Paleolog and Marcel Mihalovici revealed to the world the place the art of sounds took in the atmosphere of the mysterious