Another Look - Restored European Film Project #4

"Another Look - The Restored European Film Project" is a tribute to the endeavors of film archives across Europe, whose responsibility is to protect the audiovisual heritage of their respective countries. Under the aegis of the European Union, and in collaboration with local European embassies and cultural institutes, this project annually presents a selection of films, one from each of its participating nations, all in restored versions and high quality formats. Through these screenings, it hopes to raise awareness to both classic European cinema and the means by which it is preserved.

This year's program includes ten films, which will be shown at the Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Holon, and Herzliya Cinematheques during the months of January-February, 2016.

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Romania will be present in the program with the film:

OUR DIRECTOR (ROMANIA, 1955), B/W, 71 minutes, Hebrew & English subtitles

Directing: Jean Georgescu / Screenplay: Eduard Mezincescu / Cinematography: Ion Cosma, Andrei Feher / Cast: Alexandru Giugaru, Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, Angela Chiuaru


TEL AVIV: 15.1.16 - 14:00 | JERUSALEM: 29.1.16 - 14:00 | HAIFA: 20.1.16 - 19:00 | HERZLIYA: 6.2.16 - 18:00 | HOLON: 28.1.16 - 18:00

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"Our Director" is a satirical comedy inspired by the realities of life in communist Romania of the 1950s. It is, at the same time, a subversive film (for example, through the innovative use, in Romanian cinema of the time, of voice-over narration, which often contradicts what we seen on the screen, and interior monologue). It's hard to believe that such a film could not have passed local censorship before Stalin's death in 1953, which had triggered significant social-political changes under the Red Curtain. The plot spins around two main characters: the director and the small clerk named Ciubuc (a term of Turkish origin, which has the figurative meaning of "illicit benefit"). The great comic actors Alexandru Giugaru (1897-1986) and Grigore Vasiliu Birlic (1905-1907), who had both received the title "Emeritus Artist" of the Romanian People's Republic (mostly for their successful theatre roles), are at the peak of their remarkable cinematic charisma in the two main roles. In this acid satire of bureaucracy and corruption, it is suggestive that the most violent attack, in the name of the working class, comes from a woman (Maria Popescu, played by Angela Chiuaru), while all the men around the director accept compromises in order to maintain their positions. Jean Georgescu (1904-1994), one of the most important directors in the history of Romanian cinema, turned the courageous screenplay of a high communist official (Eduard Mezincescu, who preferred to remain undercover, using the pen name "Gh. Dorin") into a genuine masterpiece, comparable to another Romanian great film made by him, "A Stormy Night", based on the homonymous play by I. L. Caragiale. However, this would cost him dear: Jean Georgescu will not get another chance to direct a feature film for almost a decade. (Anabela Tansanu)

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