„Another Look” - Restored European Film Project#3. 15-31.01.2015. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa

“Another Look – The Restored European Film Project” marks a unique venture whose purpose is to raise awareness to both classic European cinema and the means by which it is preserved. Through the collaboration of the European Union and local European embassies, this project will present twelve films, one from each of its participating nations, all in restored versions and high quality formats. These works were not only chosen for their artistic merit but because they meaningfully reflect on different facets of European film history. Accordingly, they give evidence to the diversity of cinematic practice, as it evolved for over a century.
The film "Manasse" (1925, directing: Jean Mihail, screenplay: Scarlat Froda) will be representing Romania and it will be screened as follows:17 January, 18:30 hrs. – Tel Aviv Cinematheque (http://www.cinema.co.il/)18 January, 19:00 hrs. – Jerusalem Cinematheque (http://www.jer-cin.org.il/)20 January, 18:30 hrs. – Haifa Cinematheque (http://www.haifacin.co.il/)In light of the anti-Jewish sentiment that pervaded Romania during the first half of the 20th Century, “Manasse” stands out in its boldness as a text that foregrounds and legitimizes Jewish life and customs. An adaptation of a play (1900) by Moise Ronetti-Roman that was banned from theatres following nationalist protests, Jean Mihail’s film focuses on the tension between acculturation and separatism which troubled many Jews during the height of modernity.

The full program is published on the website of the Festival: http://anotherlook.co.il/3/.
The tickets for the screenings can be purchased at each Cinematheque.
The opening will take place on January 15, at 19:00, at Jerusalem Cinematheque. Access by invitation only.

Another Look at Audiovisual Restoration: Roundtable Discussion.
Thursday, 15.1.15, 17:00-19:00
Mediatheque Room, Jerusalem Cinematheque, 11 Hebron Rd., Jerusalem
Admittance is free.
Although cinema has existed for little over a century, its preservation and restoration has been a matter of public interest for only the past few decades. The increased awareness has prompted the formation of hundreds of institutions whose mission is to protect cinema’s legacy from the damages imposed by time and usage, and make it accessible for future generations to appreciate the artistic and historical value of films. “Another Look” aims to recognize and contribute to these efforts through a roundtable discussion between experts from European and Israeli institutions, including The National Film Archive-Romanian Cinematheque, The National Film Archive of the Czech Republic, Digital Film Repository CRF (Poland), The Israel Film Archive-Jerusalem Cinematheque, The Yad Vashem Visual Center, The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive, The Israeli Broadcasting Authority Film Archive and the Association of Israeli Archivists. The event will address central questions and concerns related to the audiovisual archiving restoration field, and we invite all who are interested in the topic, professionals and laypersons alike, to attend the proceedings.

Mihai Fulger, chief editor of the Romanian Cinmatheque, will be present at the events.

RCI Tel Aviv would like to thank to Director and Founder, Olivier Tournaud; Artistic Director, Dan Chyutin; Program Manager, Tal Arditty; Producer, Tal Meiri and all the team of the Festival.