GODDESSES, AMAZONS, and MOTHERS | A Celebration of Female Creativity | Group Exhibition

This March, we are marking the International Women's Day and the National Women’s History Month with a dazzling exhibition entitled "GODDESSES, AMAZONS, and MOTHERS”, a celebration of female creativity and a testament to the enduring power and limitless potential of women everywhere.

Created in collaboration with guest curator Aida Balamaci, "GODDESSES, AMAZONS, and MOTHERS", opening at our Brâncuşi Gallery on March 8, brings together a cadre of female artists from around the world, transcending borders and cultures to create a truly inclusive and empowering artistic dialogue. The exhibition offers the original perspectives of seven international artists, each using their unique voice to weave a tapestry of female identity, strength, and creativity and to comment, through paintings and art objects, on the current status of femininity, motherhood, and female creativity.

From the distinctive brushstrokes of Angela China (USA) and Chiao-Han Chueh (Taiwan), and the thought-provoking stories of Hortensia Mi Kafchin(Romania), to the evocative sculptures of Ana Maria Morar(Romania), from the bold works of Mariana Cromeyer (El Salvador) and the dreamy paintings of Ekatherina Savtchenko (USA/Germany) to the intricate mixed-media creations of Nana Afya (Ghana), the seven artists delve into the depths of feminist discourse, exploring themes of empowerment, agency, and the interconnectedness of women around the world.

"GODDESSES, AMAZONS, and MOTHERS” is the inaugural project of our newest annual series, which aims to bring together artists from Romania and different corners of the globe, fostering a shared visual discourse and providing a platform for global recognition.

GODDESSES, AMAZONS, and MOTHERS | A Celebration of Female Creativity
Featuring: Nana Afya, Angela China, Chiao-Han Chueh, Mariana Cromeyer, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Ana Maria Morar, Ekatherina Savtchenko
Guest curator: Aida Balamaci

March 8 – April 12, 2024
Opening: March 8, 2024 @ 7 PM
Special Event: Art Talk, March 8, 2024 @ 6-7 PM | With the participation of the artists