Radu Oreian: Close to the Bone | A Descent into Collective Melancholia

Our next exhibition, opening at the Brâncuși Gallery on April 25, brings about an immersion into collective melancholy, inviting viewers to lose themselves in a meditative state of mind, marked by the bleak realization of a troubled human condition. Entitled "CLOSE TO THE BONE", it centers on celebrated Romanian artist Radu Oreian, whose paintings are complemented by the works of three of his international peers: the Americans Mark Ryan Chariker and Kate Meissner, as well as the Mexican María Fragoso Jara.

Through a series of figurative paintings, the exhibition presents a raw and unfiltered depiction of the human condition, capturing the new metaphorical wrinkles of modern life and, as society grapples with today’s challenges and upheavals, reflecting the emotional landscape of our time. Viewers are confronted with introspective portraits and bodies that seem to be suspended in a state of emotional turmoil. Each brushstroke carries the weight of accumulated collective drama, reflecting the turbulence and uncertainty of recent years.

Radu Oreian's art captivates with its mesmerizing blend of earthy colors and hauntingly melancholy figures. Each canvas reveals different narratives, such as that of the wanderer forever in search of elusive meaning and purpose or even a self-portrait in pain. Like modern-day pilgrims, his characters traverse his canvases, grappling with the existential quandaries that define the human condition. Oreian's portraiture, characterized by its bizarre and unconventional nature, echoes the spirit of Renaissance master Giuseppe Arcimboldo, whose whimsical yet thought-provoking anthropomorphic compositions captivated audiences centuries ago.

In contrast, Oreian's creations resonate with a contemporary twist, inviting reflection on the complexities of existence and the enigmatic nature of the human soul. His technique, characterized by an emphasis on intricate detail and tactile layers, imbues each piece with a sense of depth and introspection, encouraging the viewer to engage with its nuances.

All the artists featured in "CLOSE TO THE BONE," part of the 1969 Gallery roster of artists, are kindred spirits who recognize the responsibility of capturing the essence of our shared experience. They acknowledge that the emotions of sadness and melancholy have penetrated deeper into our core selves.

A poignant reminder of the fragility of the human spirit and the resilience that comes from moments of introspection and connection, the project, true to our international curatorial approach, bringing together Romanian, American, and international artists, provides a space for reflection and invites viewers to explore the depths of their own emotions and experiences in the shared journey of the human condition.

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the 1969 Gallery in New York. Founded in September 2016, 1969 is a contemporary art gallery in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood.