Israel Tour of The Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest

Israel Tour of The Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest has brought a series of six performances of the theatre plays: Uncle Vanea by A.P.Cehov, directed by Yuriy Kordonskiy, at The Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Molly Sweeney by Brian Friel, directed by Alexandru Dabija, at The Karov Theatre in Tel Aviv, The Marriage by Gogol, directed by Yuriy Kordonskiy, at Habima, The National Theatre of Israel asa e pe site-ul lor. The plays were presented both for the Hebrew and the Romanian speaking public. This project was organized by The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, in partnership with Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest, ProiectReplica, Karov Theatre in Tel Aviv, Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv and Habima, The National Theatre of Israel.