The Jewish World in Romanian Literature. International conference at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 14-15.2.2012

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv invites professionals, journalists and the general public to The international conference titled "The Jewish World in Romanian Literature", taking place at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, February 14-15 (program attached). In English and Romanian. and to
A round table themed "The Myths of Central Europe and the Jews", at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, February 16 (starting 5.30 pm). In Romanian.
The events are organized in partnership with The Center for the Research of Romanian Jewry, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Ditza Goshen) and the Cultural Center in Jerusalem (Costel Safirman).

Participants in the conference:
- from Romania: Adriana Babeţi and Cornel Ungureanu, Universitatea de Vest in Timișoara; Ioana Pârvulescu, Manuela Cazan and Camelia Crăciun, Bucharest University;
- from Israel: Moshe Idel, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem; Ilia Rodov, Bar Ilan University; Rafi Vago, Tel Aviv University; Menahem Keren, Tel Aviv University; Sarit Cofman-Simhon, Kibbutzim College; Lucian Zeev-Herşcovici, the National Library of Israel; Shlomo Leibovici-Laiş; Arie Laish; Avi Meirowich; Costel Safirman, Jerusalem Cinematheque;
- from USA/Israel: Michael Finkenthal, Johns Hopkins University.

The events in Jerusalem are dedicated to the memory of professor and literary critic Leon Volovici.

Invitaţie conferinţă 14-15.02.2012 (.pdf) Program conferinţă 14-15.02.2012 (.doc) Invitaţie masă rotundă 16.02.2012 (.doc) Adriana Babeţi - abstract, CV Manuela Cazan - abstract, CV Ioana Pârvulescu - abstract, CV Cornel Ungureanu - abstract, CV Comunicat de presă