
2 Nov 2022

Illustrious performers Remus Azoiței and Eduard Stan in the Enescu Concerts

The November concert in the 'Enescu Concerts' series offers an exceptional encounter with two brilliant Romanian musicians, Remus Azoiței (violin) and Eduard Stan (piano), the supreme experts in George Enescu's chamber work. With a programme that highlights

1 Dec 2016 - 31 Dec 2016

To our readers… on a red letter day

This is a jubilee: the hundredth issue of our quarterly, Lettre Internationale, Romanian editionafter a quarter of a century of existence. In 1984, when Antonin Liehm elaborated the concept of this periodical, his objective was to create a forum wherein the voices

15 Oct 2012

Programs of the Romanian Cultural Institute 2012-2013

The Romanian Cultural Institute operates within the existing legal framework under Law no. 356 of 2003, the Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance no. 27 of 13th June 2012 and subsequent amendments. Its mission lies in promoting national culture and civilization in Romania

27 Sep 2012

Open Doors to European cultural institutes. European Day of Languages

Open Doors to European cultural institutes. European Day of Languages 27 September 2012 Madrid EUNIC Spain is happy to present a ground breaking cultural and linguistic marathon, giving the people of Madrid the chance to take part in over 40 original and engaging activities.

1 Oct 2009 - 10 Dec 2009

Enescu_Brahms European Encounters

Enescu-Brahms European Encounters Remus Azoitei – violin Eduard Stan – piano International chamber music tour featuring violin and piano duo Remus Azoiţei and Eduard Stan – in major cultural centres around Europe and the United States. The tour aims to highlight

Horia-Roman Patapievici, President 2005-2012

H. -R. Patapievici – born March 18, 1957 (Bucharest). Physics studies (1977-1981; specialization degree 1982), researcher (1986-1994), assistant professor (1990-1994), director of studies (1994-1996), member of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives


The Romanian Cultural Institute, a public body founded in 2003, is tasked with raising the profile of Romanian culture around the world. In order to achieve this, it spreads information and spearheads cultural projects involving Romanian artists and writers. Furthermore,


Plural is an English-language book-format magazine published under the aegis of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest, Romania (with branches in: Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Istanbul, Lisbon, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Szeged, Tel Aviv,

Bucharest Meet Amsterdam

Life is nothing but a perpetual interrogation mark placed above that strange and intriguing image of our very own childhood… and where does it even start to provoke our conscience? Remember that grumpy and oversized street, your everyday neighbors that couldn't restrain

Con Los Rumanos De Barcelona: Sobre La Identidad Etnica Y ¿Mundializacion (Globalizacion)?

Aa lo largo del período de su estancia en España, Vintila Horia el exiliado, se sintió como si estuviese en su antigua casa que había vuelto a encontrar (Vintila Horia fue un europeo nacido en Rumanía y arraigado en España, que edita en París, Roma y Madrid sus novelas

George Enescu En La Memoria Del Tiempo. Pablo Casals Sobre George Enescu

Lo considero uno de los mayores genios de la música moderna  El violoncelista, director de orquesta, profesor y compositor Pablo Casals (1876 – 1973) hizo sus estudios musicales en el Conservatorio de Barcelona y Madrid y se perfeccionó en Bruselas. Violoncelista en

Exitos Liricos Rumanos En España: Viorica Cortez

“Enciclopedia de una carrera” por Adolf Armbruster Barcelona, Gran Teatro del LiceoG. Donizetti: La Favorita / el papel: Leonora di GuzmanDirector de orquesta: Adolfo Camozzo / Director de escena: Diego Monjocon: Jaime Aragall / Luigi Ottolini (23 de noviembre), Vicente